Trap Quest Release 15 Version 1.1

This blog post's banner is by Wishberri, and it's her new art for the boxing glove trap.

This is really just small upgrade, and the release of the Stra

Trap Quest Release 14 Version 4.0 Hotfix

There was one glaring issue!

Christmas version is still enabled by default, so for those of you who have had a busy Christmas so far, but now finally h

Trap Quest Release 14 Version 4.0

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! This blog post's banner image was made (a long while ago!) by Icarus.

This is a somewhat smaller changelist than normal, in order to

Shame Games 2023 Crossword

I had a bit of fun this year slowly putting this together. The aim was for every clue and/or answer to be something too NSFW to be put in a newspaper